The Oriental

A Return to Leyte

By: Bernard L Supetran (Oct 20, 2019) Seventy-five years ago to this day, Oct. 20, 1944, the legendary Gen. Douglas MacArthur led the massive amphibious landings of Allied Forces at Leyte Gulf during World War II, to start the liberation of the archipelago from Japan. The monumental landing, the fulfillment of his famous “I Shall…
The Oriental

Asian Traveler: The Oriental Hotels and Resorts Visions, Prospects and Maximizing Opportunities

FROM: ASIAN TRAVELER (July 11, 2019) At the forefront of the economy are business tycoons continuously redefining brand value and delivering service at its finest. Determination is a pre-requisite but more than that, for Mr. Wilbert T. Lee – President and CEO of The Oriental Hotels and Resorts, the consistency with specific details must always…